header-logo.png Department of Fire Service & Civil Defence
Fire Science & Occupational Safety Course

1. Introduction :

Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries of the world (1,100/qkm) with an annual population growth of 2.1%. Construction standards are generally low and many houses are poorly built and maintained which makes them prone to damage caused by seismic activities, cyclones or floods. Existing laws and building codes are very often not implemented due to corruption at all levels. Roads and bridges in rural areas are often in a bad state of repair and exposed to the risk of being interrupted by flooding or cyclones. This also refers to the ferries and communications in general. The Government of Bangladesh has begun to seriously address the issue of Disaster Management following the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 (HFA) to which Bangladesh is one of the signatory countries. Bangladesh has a regulative framework for disaster management that provides guiding for relevant laws, policy and best practices. The Disaster Management Act forms the legal basis (i) for the protection of life and property (ii) to manage long term risks from the effects of natural as well as technological and human induced haza rds, and (iii) to respond to and recover from a disaster. The National Plan for Disaster Management shall provide the overall guideline for the relevant sectors and the disaster management committees at all levels to prepare and implement specific plans for their respective areas. The plan identifies the key sectorial policy agenda for disaster management. The Standing Orders on Disaster provide a detailed institutional framework for disaster risk reduction and emergency management. They outline detailed roles and responsibilities of Ministries, divisions, departments, various committees at different levels, and other organizations involved in disaster risk reduction and emergency management According to Bangladesh National Building Code BNBC, all high rise buildings, industries, factories, and business centers have to appoint fire safety manager.  Based on the present demand and circumstances, a Fire Science and Occupational Safety Course is a time demanding course. We believe that this course will play a vital role to improve fire safety preparedness in Bangladesh. It is very much related subject with our activities. We know that such courses are being conducted by Fire Department in many countries around the world. Fire Service and Civil Defence Directorate is the only mandated authority of  the Government to carry out FIRE FIGHT and SEARCH & RESCUE operation in any disaster and also for fire and other disaster prevention activities.

 2. Program Description :

The Program covers the fundamentals of fire science and public safety, including Practical sessions, fire safety engineering, relevant structural engineering topics and field visit.

3.  Admission Policy :

SSC pass or equivalent level is the minimum entry requirement for the Fire Science and Occupational Safety Course and physically capable to handle all tools, equipment, and accessories.

04.   Program Structure :

The entire course is divided into different modules. The syllabus of the modules is enclosed. The participants shall have to complete 360 hours of classes and practical sessions for Fire Science and Occupational Safety Course.

06.   Course assessment:

In assessing the performance of the participants the following methods will be followed:

  1. Written test;
  2. Group discussion;
  3. Presentations;
  4. Reports on field/project study;
  5. Questions of MCQ, Objective or broad type
  6. Written assignments/Term paper.
  7. Viva.

07.   Letter grading and grade point system :

 Grading System the performance of the participants will be evaluated on the basis of letter grading and its equivalent grade point system.

Marks Range

Letter Grade


90% and above                 



80% to less than 89          



70% to less than 79          



60% to less than 69          



Below      60%                    



Pass Mark : 60%


08.   Examinatio:

Participants have to register with the Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) as per their time schedule. BTEB will control all examinations and results.

 09.   Certificate requirements:

Bangladesh Technical Education Board will provide certification on the basis of results and participant’s performances.

10.   Academic calendar :

FSCD Course Management Committee may distribute the courses in two equal semesters per year.

1st Term/Spring             

  • between January and June.

2nd Term/Winter             

  • between July and December

The particular dates of the terms may vary from year to year due to calendar changes or special circumstances, but the minimum duration of each term will always be maintained.

 11.   Age of Participants: Below Fifty years.

12.   Registration fees and other fees :

  • Registration (FSCD & BTEB)         : 1000/-
  • Admission Fees                                : 2000/- (for FSCD professional)
  • Admission Fee                                 : 5000/- (for Non-FSCD)
  • Tuition fees                                      : 30,000/-for Non-FSCD per course
  • Tuition fees                                      : 10,000/- for FSCD Professional per course.
                          Total Cost of Course: NON-FSCD 36,000/-
  • All fees must be paid in advance/ installment can be accepted by the permission of the authority.
  • All payment shall be made as bank draft/ pay order to Director (Training, Planning,& Development) Fire Service and Civil Defence Directorate, Dhaka from any prescribed bank of  Bangladesh.


13.   Selection Criteria of FSCD and Non FSCD participants :

Number of Participant per batch: 55 (Firemen/leader/Sub officer+Fire Officers/ Station/Staff Officer to Deputy Director)=10 from FSCD + 45 from non FSCD)

     i) Minimum qualification for all (FSCD and Non-FSCD): SSC pass /equivalent.

     ii) 05 years of job experience as FSCD professional.

     iii) Valid permission from FSCD Directorate for FSCD professionals.

 14.   Admission Requirements:

  • Admission Test (MCQ type Question)
  • Result of admission test
  • Admission
  • Registration for BTEB
  • Class start

 15.   Application Procedure: 

Interested candidates may collect ‘ Application Form’ from

 i) Fire Service and Civil Defence Training Complex, Mirpur-10, Dhaka-1216

ii) Fire Service and Civil Defence Agrabad, Chattogram or can download the admission form from www.fscdtraining.com   

After filling up the application form, please submit the Application Form to the admission offices along with :

  1. Photocopies of all academic Certificates should be attested by a 1st class gazetted officer.
  2. 3 (three) copies of recent colored photographs (3 P.P size). All submitted applications will be verified by the admission committee whether these are eligible for the program or not.

 16.   General terms & conditions for the admitted students :

Student must follow the regulations such as :

  • Fire Service and Civil Defence (FSCD) Directorate  reserves the right to reject an application if she/he does not fulfill the requirements of FSCD or his/her behavior is disruptive;
  • Enrolment in a course or a program creates a binding agreement to follow academic regulations and payment of fees and charges;
  • Tuition fees must be paid in advance or by installment if it is agreed;
  • Tuition fees are not refundable after the commencement of a course;
  • If a course is not conducted by FSCD, there will be a full refund of tuition fees;
  • All payments must be made as bank draft/ pay order to Director (Training, Planning & Development) Fire Service and Civil Defence Kazi Allauddin Road, Dhaka from any prescribed bank of Bangladesh.
  • FSCD Directorate  may suspend a student without notice if tuition fees are in arrears;
  • FSCD Directorate  reserves the right to change the fees & charges anytime with notice;
  • All international students must comply with all their visa status regulations as specified by the Home Office;
  • FSCD Directorate  reserves the right to change any provision or requirement at any time, even within a student’s term of enrolment. FSCD Directorate  further reserves the right to ask the student to withdraw, for any due cause, at any time;


17.   Working Committee:

Chairperson               :   Director (Trg,Plg & Dev) Fire Servcie and Civil Defence,  Directorate, Dhaka.

Deputy Chairperson   :   Principal, Training Complex Fire Servcie and Civil Defence, Mirpur , Dhaka.

Joint Secretary            :   Vice Principal, Training Complex Fire Servcie and Civil Defence, Mirpur , Dhaka

Member Secretary       :   Assistant Director (Training), Fire Servcie and Civil Defense, Directorate, Dhaka.

Coordinator                 :  Instuctor, Fire Servcie and Civil Defense, Training Conplex Mirpur, Dhaka.

Co-coordinator Finance  :   Warehouse Inspector, Training Cell, Fire Servcie and Civil Defence,  Directorate, Dhaka.


18.   Advisory Committee:

Principal Advisor:          Director General, Fire Service, and Civil Defense, Directorate, Dhaka.

Advisor-1                        Director (Admin & Finance) Fire Service and Civil Defense,  Directorate, Dhaka.

Advisor-2                        Director (Ops and Main) Fire Service and Civil Defense,  Directorate, Dhaka.

Advisor-3                        Deputy Director (Training, Planning & Development) Fire Service and Civil Defense,  Directorate, Dhaka.


19.  For more information

         1. Md. Monir Hossain, Assistant Director (Training), Mobile : 01719-114850

          2. Md. Alauddin, Instructor, Mobile: 01887-367090

20. Campus:

  1. Fire Service and Civil Defence Training Complex Mirpur, Dhaka.
  2. Fire Service and Civil Defence Station Agrabad, Chattogram are the campuses of this course. As per the training Schedule, participants of this course can be used all existing facilities of training with the permission of the authority.

Fire Science & Occupational Safety Course

Application Fee
৳ 350 Taka

Apply Now